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How to Monetize Video Content Without Relying on YouTube

Video content presents a unique opportunity for organizations and individuals to generate healthy streams of recurring income. In fact, 86% of businesses leverage video as a marketing tool while 87% of video marketers said video content gives them a positive ROI.

Unsurprisingly, YouTube is one of the leading video platforms today with 85% of U.S. internet users using the app at least once a week. Despite its wide reach, only a select few can achieve massive YouTube success.

Even if you do acquire a substantial number of views and subscribers, you’re not totally in control of your revenue. YouTube earnings are determined by advertiser content rules, viewer statistics, and the app’s ever-evolving monetization guidelines and eligibility.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can make money off videos without relying on YouTube. By leveraging the latest consumer broadband connections and social media platforms, you can put your video content right in front of your core audience and boost yields.

Adopt a Subscription Model


In a subscription monetization model, you earn profit by charging viewers a recurring monthly or yearly fee for continuous, on-demand access to your videos. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime are familiar examples of subscription-based video streaming platforms.

A major advantage of the subscription monetization model is its flexibility. For instance, the recurrence period could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly depending on your goals and target market. You can easily tweak the price and recurrence period to maximize revenue and repeat customers.

Viewers love subscription services because they get the best value for their money. These plans give them access to all the video content they want. Netflix, for instance, has nearly 213.5 million subscribers globally enjoying a vast library of movies, documentaries, and television series for one easy recurring payment.

Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD)

Transactional-Video-on-Demand -TVOD

TVOD is a video monetization model where viewers make a one-time payment to watch individual pieces of content. Google Play, Showtime, and Apple iTunes are popular entertainment services that offer this type of subscription model. AppleTV offers season passes for certain shows while Showtime offers pay-per-view passes for live sporting events.

As with subscriptions, you can modify a number of factors to increase revenue and meet viewers’ unique needs. Offer lifetime or temporary access to content or even early-bird pricing with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage. With a strong presale strategy, you can generate buzz and attract more viewers.

Set Up Facebook Watch

Since its global launch in 2018, Facebook Watch has become a prime video platform that attracts over 1.25 billion viewers monthly. Regardless of your niche, Facebook Watch delivers your content directly to your followers, making your latest videos more accessible.

You can easily set up and manage Facebook ad breaks to monetize your Facebook videos. Ad Breaks are brief advertisements inserted at natural breaks in longer-form videos. Ad breaks come in the form of image ads and pre-roll and mid-roll videos of up to 15 seconds.

Ad breaks will earn you a certain share of the resulting ad revenue. Your payout will depend on ad impressions and ad CPM (cost per thousand). Certain geographic locations generate higher CPMs. For example, it’s usually higher if viewers are in the U.S. ($2–$3) and lower if they’re in southeast Asia ($1 or less).

All-in-One Video Monetization Solution

If you’re looking for a video platform for monetization, Aniview is the superior choice. We offer advanced video player and server technology to help large-scale publishers with tracking and serving. Through Aniview’s patented technology, you can easily manage activity, connect with world-class advertisers, and serve ads across all devices. Contact us to book a demo.